2019 BELL MUSIC SUMMER POOL LEAGUE RULES (to be used in addition to VNEA Rules.)



All matches start at 7:30pm, (real-time, not bar-time) There is a 15-minute grace period.  At 7:45pm at least 3 players must be present and start the match on a 5-man team and 2 players must be present and start the match on a 4-man team, or a forfeit can be called.  A player has until the end of the 1st round to show up and play all their games.  If a player shows up in the 2nd round, as long as their game has not been passed, they can play that game but not make up the first round.  



The SUMMER LEAGUE SPONSOR FEE is $30 per team.

The WEEKLY FEES are $6 per player or $30 per 5-man team, $24 per 4-man team.

*** NEW  ***  No more money envelopes!!  Payment of league dues will be made via PayPal.

Team captains will send weekly league dues payment via PayPal to payments@bellmusicco.com  ONLY COMPLETE WEEKLY TEAM FEES MAY BE SUBMITTED.  WE WILL NOT ACCEPT PARTIAL PAYMENTS.

Each team is only responsible for handling their team’s fees.  You no longer have to handle the other team’s money. 


The home team captain is responsible for making sure the stats from the match are called, emailed, faxed or texted to Bell Music by the deadline:

Monday league – no later than noon on Wednesday.

Wednesday league – no later than noon on Friday.

(It does not have to be the home team captain that turns in the scores but the home team captain is responsible for making sure it gets done.)

Call:  330-253-9171

Fax:  330-376-6337

Email: ktaylor@bellmusicco.com

Text a picture of the scoresheet: 330-714-7550

Drop off: 533 W. Market St., Akron, OH 44303


Penalties for not turning in scoresheet or money by deadline:

1st Offense: Team will receive a warning.  Scoresheet must be turned in and league dues must be paid before team may play next match.

2nd Offense: Team is fined $10.  Money will be deducted from prize money at the end of the season. Scoresheet must be turned in and league dues must be paid before team may play next match.

3rd or more Offense: Team is fined $25.  Money will be deducted from prize money at the end of the season. Scoresheet must be turned in and league dues must be paid before team may play next match.




Players do not need to be sanctioned for the summer leagues.



1)       Any team not finishing the session will forfeit all prize money. 


2)       Team captains are responsible for making sure scoresheets are properly filled out with League name, Team name, Date, and Players full names.  Line-ups will be placed on the scoresheet by the home team captain first.  Monday 5-man league teams must line-up their players in order from lowest to highest average.


3)       Postponed matches must be played by the 7th week of the season.  No matches after the 7th week may be postponed.


4)       Teams are to try to keep their rosters limited to 8 players.  Players may be added to a team’s roster through the 7th week of the session.  After the 7th week, only players that have already played in the league may play.  If a team is short a player and no legal sub is available, on the scoresheet the missing player receives 0 points and the player on the opposing team receives their average.  There is NO HANDICAP for those two players.


5)       If a player needs to leave early (work, sick, emergency) the opposing captain will let that player play out.  If this occurs, try to play a game in between each of their games, if possible.  You can not put another player in that spot.  Only players that start the match may finish the match.. 


6)       All established players will carry over their average from the last season.  All new players will start with an average of 8.  These averages are used the first 3 weeks of the season, then players will use their computed averages week 4 on.  Players joining the league the 4th week of the season or later play their first night as an 8. 


7)       The maximum balls a player may be spotted is 3, regardless of the difference between the 2 players’ averages.


8)       The HOME team is to designate which one patch is the ONLY patch that will be used during the entire match.  If a player patches a pocket with any other patch besides the one designated by the home team, the first time the opposing captain is to give the player a warning.  The 2nd time it is an automatic loss of game.


9)       You will be racking your own break.  If you make the 8-on-the-Break, you have the option to spot it and continue play, or re-break.  If you make the 8-on-the-Break and scratch, the incoming player has the option of spotting the 8 and starting their play or re-rack and break themselves.  Your opponent has the right to inspect the rack before you break.  Circle the 8-on-the-Break on the scoresheet when a player makes one so they receive credit.


10)    Each team may have VNEA and OCMA ranked Master, Intermediate and AA players on their roster.  The following is the maximum of each allowed to play in any given match:  1 Mens Pro OR 1 Mens Intermediate or Master and 1 Mens AA OR up to 3 Mens AA’s or 3 Ladies Masters.  (There is no limit to the number of Ladies AA players a team may play in a match.)  If a team goes over these guidelines, the match will be a forfeit.  Mens Pro’s, Master’s and Intermediate’s averages will never fall below a 9 regardless of what their “calculated average” is.  Mens AA’s averages will never fall below an 8 regardless of what their “calculated average” is.


11)    Position Round:  If the 1st Place team cannot be “caught”, they will sit out of the Position Round.  The remaining teams (2nd thru last place) will play with the even teams (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.) being the home teams.  Tie-breakers:  In the case of a tie, total ball count is used to determine Round Robin Schedule.  In the case of a tie after the Position Round for 1st or 2nd place, there is a one round playoff.  This round is played with the same averages used for the Position Round match.


12)    In order to be eligible to play in the Position Round match, you must have played on the team a minimum of 3 weeks.


13)    There is no coaching allowed.


14)    ERO (Eight-Ball Run Out) Definition: The only time a player may achieve an ERO is in his FIRST APPROACH, with ALL 15 BALLS ON THE TABLE.  If the breaker runs out and wins the game from the break, it’s an ERO.  IF THE BREAKER DOES NOT MAKE ANY BALLS, his opponent will then have a shot at an ERO.  He must pocket his 7 object balls and the 8-ball without a miss.


15)    If you commit a foul, admit it and go on with the game.  Players are to be watching their opponents while they are shooting.  Be patient with newer teams.  Team captains are responsible for settling all disputes fairly and promptly.  Anyone arguing or taunting during a match will be reported by the team captain.  First offense – warning.  Second offense – suspension for all players involved in the dispute.


16)    www.BellMusicCo.com and www.CompuSport.us (or use the CompuSport app) to view standings, schedules, etc.


17)    Any team and/or player who has an urgent question or problem during league play must call Bell Music immediately. (330) 253-9171.  A message must be left in the pool department mailbox (Option 3) so we can return your call.  You must call as soon as there is a problem; you cannot call the next day and ask for a rematch, forfeit, protest, etc.