Bell Music Pool Leagues
533 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio  44303
Phone: (330) 253-9171
View your standings online:
Join us on Facebook: Bell Music Dart & Pool Leagues
Summer Wednesday Pool           League ID: WEDNESDAY
Revised Schedule 6/2/15
Schedule Team
# Location Address Phone ID # Team Name Captain's info
1. The Glens 358 E. Glenwood Ave. 330-376-4811 0513 Sharp Shooters Reggie Spear
2. Randy's Moonbeam Café 979 Kelly Ave. 330-773-4249 0514 3 Stooges Randy McCoy
3. KC's Nashville Nights 88 W. Wilbeth Rd. 330-724-7541 0515 Ball Scratchers Mike Datsko
5. Sand Bar 3822 S. Main St. 330-644-9058 0517 Beer Buddies Lisa Spegal
6. KC's Sports Pub 334 S. Main St. (Wadsworth) 330-336-5100 0518 Another Shot Jason Zelenak
6/3/2015 6/10/2015 6/17/2015 6/24/2015 7/1/2015 7/8/2015
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Away-Home Away-Home Away-Home Away-Home Away-Home Away-Home
2-6 1-2 1-3 2-5 1-6 6-2
4-3 3-5 4-2 4-1 3-2 3-4
5-1 6-4 5-6 6-3 5-4 1-5
7/15/2015 7/22/2015 7/29/2015 8/5/2015 8/12/2015
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
Away-Home Away-Home Away-Home Away-Home Round Robin
2-1 3-1 5-2 6-1 4-3
5-3 2-4 1-4 2-3 5-1
4-6 6-5 3-6 4-5 6-2
Don't forget to turn your scores in each week by Friday at noon.
Phone:  330-253-9171          Fax:  330-376-6337          Email:          Text picture:  330-714-7550