Congratulations Portage American Overall Champions!
New Milford Café “Smokin’ Barrels”
Luke Morgan, Logan Vair, Jimmy Taylor, Jim Vair, Brittany Ward
The new rankings for all players will be posted Friday, April
15, 2016.
County Dart Banquet
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Ravenna Eagles, 812 Cleveland Ave, Ravenna, OH 44266
Doors open at 6:00pm; Food served at 7:00pm
Guests are $15 – pay at the door.
Bar owners are invited to attend the banquet free of charge.
* Food * Prize Money * Trophies and
Awards * Door Prizes *
Blind Draw immediately following banquet - $8 entry fee (no
quarters needed)
All-Star Match
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Tip’em Up Tavern, 1854 Newton St., Akron, OH 44305
Bar opens at 11am.
Players are asked to arrive at Noon.
Match starts at 1pm.
$16,000+ Buck O'Connor Players Tournament
NEW **